Class declaration to initialize and hold CURAND RNG states.
void PGaugeExchange(GaugeField &data, const int n_dim, const int parity)
Exchange "borders" between nodes. Although the radius border is 2, it only updates the interior radiu...
double2 getLinkTrace(GaugeField &data)
Calculate the Trace.
void Monte(GaugeField &data, RNG &rngstate, double Beta, int nhb, int nover)
Perform heatbath and overrelaxation. Performs nhb heatbath steps followed by nover overrelaxation ste...
void InitGaugeField(GaugeField &data)
Perform a cold start to the gauge field, identity SU(3) matrix, also fills the ghost links in multi-G...
void PGaugeExchangeFree()
Release all allocated memory used to exchange data between nodes.
double2 getLinkDeterminant(GaugeField &data)
Calculate the Determinant.