►Ndetail | |
Csize_multiple_power_of_two | |
Cworking_type | |
Cworking_type< T, true > | |
Caliased_size | |
Cworking_array | |
Cdismember | |
Cdismember< T, U, 1 > | |
Cremember | |
Cremember< T, U, 1 > | |
Carray | |
Carray< T, 1 > | |
Carray< T, 0 > | |
Cget_impl | |
Cget_impl< T, m, 0 > | |
Cload_storage | |
Cload_storage< T, U, 1 > | |
Cshuffle | |
Cshuffle< 1 > | |
Cshuffle_down | |
Cshuffle_down< 1 > | |
Cshuffle_up | |
Cshuffle_up< 1 > | |
Cshuffle_xor | |
Cshuffle_xor< 1 > | |
Nproto2 | |
►Nquda | |
Nblas | |
►Nblas_lapack | |
Ngeneric | |
Nnative | |
►Nclover | |
Csquare_ | |
Cabs_ | |
CAccessor | |
CAccessor< Float, nColor, nSpin, QUDA_FLOAT2_CLOVER_ORDER > | |
CAccessor< Float, nColor, nSpin, QUDA_FLOAT4_CLOVER_ORDER > | |
CAccessor< Float, nColor, nSpin, QUDA_PACKED_CLOVER_ORDER > | |
CFieldOrder | |
CFloatNOrder | Accessor routine for CloverFields in native field order |
CS | This is just a dummy structure we use for trove to define the required structure size |
CQDPOrder | |
CQDPJITOrder | |
CBQCDOrder | |
►Ncolorspinor | |
Csquare_ | |
Csquare_< ReduceType, short > | |
Csquare_< ReduceType, int8_t > | |
Cabs_ | |
Cabs_< Float, short > | |
Cabs_< Float, int8_t > | |
CAccessorCB | |
CGhostAccessorCB | |
CAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_SPACE_SPIN_COLOR_FIELD_ORDER > | |
CGhostAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_SPACE_SPIN_COLOR_FIELD_ORDER > | |
CAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_FLOAT2_FIELD_ORDER > | |
CGhostAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_FLOAT2_FIELD_ORDER > | |
CAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_FLOAT4_FIELD_ORDER > | |
CGhostAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_FLOAT4_FIELD_ORDER > | |
CAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_FLOAT8_FIELD_ORDER > | |
CGhostAccessorCB< Float, nSpin, nColor, nVec, QUDA_FLOAT8_FIELD_ORDER > | |
Cfieldorder_wrapper | Fieldorder_wrapper is an internal class that is used to wrap instances of FieldOrder accessors, currying in the specific location on the field. This is used as a helper class for fixed-point accessors providing the necessary conversion and scaling when writing to a fixed-point field |
CFieldOrderCB | |
CFloatNOrder | Accessor routine for ColorSpinorFields in native field order |
CS | This is just a dummy structure we use for trove to define the required structure size |
CSpaceColorSpinorOrder | |
CSpaceSpinorColorOrder | |
CPaddedSpaceSpinorColorOrder | |
CQDPJITDiracOrder | |
►Ndevice | |
Nprofile | |
Ndslash | |
Nfermion_force | |
►Ngauge | |
Cfieldorder_wrapper | Fieldorder_wrapper is an internal class that is used to wrap instances of FieldOrder accessors, currying in the specific location on the field. This is used as a helper class for fixed-point accessors providing the necessary conversion and scaling when writing to a fixed-point field |
Csquare_ | |
Csquare_< ReduceType, int8_t > | |
Csquare_< ReduceType, short > | |
Csquare_< ReduceType, int > | |
Cabs_ | |
Cabs_< Float, int8_t > | |
Cabs_< Float, short > | |
Cabs_< Float, int > | |
CAccessor | |
CGhostAccessor | |
CAccessor< Float, nColor, QUDA_QDP_GAUGE_ORDER, storeFloat > | |
CGhostAccessor< Float, nColor, QUDA_QDP_GAUGE_ORDER, native_ghost, storeFloat > | |
CAccessor< Float, nColor, QUDA_MILC_GAUGE_ORDER, storeFloat > | |
CGhostAccessor< Float, nColor, QUDA_MILC_GAUGE_ORDER, native_ghost, storeFloat > | |
CAccessor< Float, nColor, QUDA_FLOAT2_GAUGE_ORDER, storeFloat > | |
CGhostAccessor< Float, nColor, QUDA_FLOAT2_GAUGE_ORDER, native_ghost, storeFloat > | |
CFieldOrder | |
CReconstruct | Generic reconstruction helper with no reconstruction |
CReconstruct< 12, Float, ghostExchange_ > | Gauge reconstruct 12 helper where we reconstruct the third row from the cross product of the first two rows |
CReconstruct< 11, Float, ghostExchange_ > | Gauge reconstruct helper for Momentum field with 10 packed elements (really 9 from the Lie algebra, with zero for last element). We label this as 11 to avoid collisions with simple load/store of momentum field where we do not seek to unpack/pack |
CReconstruct< 13, Float, ghostExchange_, stag_phase > | Gauge reconstruct 13 helper where we reconstruct the third row from the cross product of the first two rows, and include a non-trivial phase factor |
CReconstruct< 8, Float, ghostExchange_ > | Gauge reconstruct 8 helper where we reconstruct the gauge matrix from 8 packed elements (maximal compression) |
CReconstruct< 9, Float, ghostExchange_, stag_phase > | Gauge reconstruct 9 helper where we reconstruct the gauge matrix from 8 packed elements (maximal compression) and include a non-trivial phase factor |
CFloatNOrder | |
CS | This is just a dummy structure we use for trove to define the required structure size |
CLegacyOrder | The LegacyOrder defines the ghost zone storage and ordering for all cpuGaugeFields, which use the same ghost zone storage |
CQDPOrder | |
CQDPJITOrder | |
CMILCOrder | |
CMILCSiteOrder | Struct to define gauge fields packed into an opaque MILC site struct: |
CCPSOrder | |
CBQCDOrder | Struct to define BQCD ordered gauge fields: |
CTIFROrder | Struct to define TIFR ordered gauge fields: [mu][parity][volumecb][col][row] |
CTIFRPaddedOrder | |
Nmma | |
Nmobius_eofa | |
Nmobius_tensor_core | |
Npool | |
Nreducer | |
CCloverFieldParam | |
CCloverField | |
CcudaCloverField | |
CcpuCloverField | |
CFullClover | |
Cclover_wrapper | Clover_wrapper is an internal class that is used to wrap instances of colorspinor accessors, currying in a specifc location and chirality on the field. The operator() accessors in clover-field accessors return instances to this class, allowing us to then use operator overloading upon this class to interact with the HMatrix class. As a result we can include clover-field accessors directly in HMatrix expressions in kernels without having to declare temporaries with explicit calls to the load/save methods in the clover-field accessors |
Cclover_mapper | |
Cclover_mapper< double, N, add_rho > | |
Cclover_mapper< float, N, add_rho > | |
Cclover_mapper< short, N, add_rho > | |
Cclover_mapper< int8_t, N, add_rho > | |
Ccolorspinor_wrapper | Colorspinor_wrapper is an internal class that is used to wrap instances of colorspinor accessors, currying in a specifc location on the field. The operator() accessors in colorspinor-field accessors return instances to this class, allowing us to then use operator overloading upon this class to interact with the ColorSpinor class. As a result we can include colorspinor-field accessors directly in ColorSpinor expressions in kernels without having to declare temporaries with explicit calls to the load/save methods in the colorspinor-field accessors |
Ccolorspinor_ghost_wrapper | Colorspinor_ghost_wrapper is an internal class that is used to wrap instances of colorspinor accessors, currying in a specifc location on the field. The Ghost() accessors in colorspinor-field accessors return instances to this class, allowing us to then use operator overloading upon this class to interact with the ColorSpinor class. As a result we can include colorspinor-field accessors directly in ColorSpinor expressions in kernels without having to declare temporaries with explicit calls to the loadGhost/saveGhost methods in the colorspinor-field accessors |
CColorSpinor | |
CColorSpinor< Float, Nc, 4 > | |
CColorSpinor< Float, Nc, 2 > | |
CCompositeColorSpinorFieldDescriptor | |
CColorSpinorParam | |
CDslashConstant | Constants used by dslash and packing kernels |
CColorSpinorField | |
CcudaColorSpinorField | |
CcpuColorSpinorField | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< double, 4, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< double, 4, Nc, true, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< double, 2, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< double, 1, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< float, 4, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< float, 4, Nc, true, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< float, 2, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< float, 1, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< short, 4, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< short, 4, Nc, true, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< short, 2, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< short, 1, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< int8_t, 4, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< int8_t, 4, Nc, true, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< int8_t, 2, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_mapper< int8_t, 1, Nc, false, huge_alloc > | |
Ccolorspinor_order_mapper | |
Ccolorspinor_order_mapper< T, QUDA_SPACE_COLOR_SPIN_FIELD_ORDER, Ns, Nc > | |
Ccolorspinor_order_mapper< T, QUDA_SPACE_SPIN_COLOR_FIELD_ORDER, Ns, Nc > | |
Ccolorspinor_order_mapper< T, QUDA_FLOAT2_FIELD_ORDER, Ns, Nc > | |
CCommKey | |
Ccomplex | |
Cnorm_type | |
Cnorm_type< complex< T > > | |
Ccomplex< float > | |
Ccomplex< double > | |
Ccomplex< int8_t > | |
Ccomplex< short > | |
Ccomplex< int > | |
CDeflationParam | |
CDeflation | |
Cdeflated_solver | |
CDiracParam | |
CDirac | |
CDiracWilson | |
CDiracWilsonPC | |
CDiracClover | |
CDiracCloverPC | |
CDiracCloverHasenbuschTwist | |
CDiracCloverHasenbuschTwistPC | |
CDiracDomainWall | |
CDiracDomainWallPC | |
CDiracDomainWall4D | |
CDiracDomainWall4DPC | |
CDiracMobius | |
CDiracMobiusPC | |
CDiracMobiusEofa | |
CDiracMobiusEofaPC | |
CDiracTwistedMass | |
CDiracTwistedMassPC | |
CDiracTwistedClover | |
CDiracTwistedCloverPC | |
CDiracStaggered | |
CDiracStaggeredPC | |
CDiracStaggeredKD | |
CDiracImprovedStaggered | |
CDiracImprovedStaggeredPC | |
CDiracImprovedStaggeredKD | |
CDiracCoarse | |
CDiracCoarsePC | |
CGaugeLaplace | Full Gauge Laplace operator. Although not a Dirac operator per se, it's a linear operator so it's conventient to put in the Dirac operator abstraction |
CGaugeLaplacePC | Even-odd preconditioned Gauge Laplace operator |
CGaugeCovDev | Full Covariant Derivative operator. Although not a Dirac operator per se, it's a linear operator so it's conventient to put in the Dirac operator abstraction |
CDiracMatrix | |
CDiracM | |
CDiracMdagM | |
CDiracMdagMLocal | |
CDiracMMdag | |
CDiracMdag | |
CDiracDagger | |
CDiracG5M | |
CDslash | This is the generic driver for launching Dslash kernels (the base kernel of which is defined in dslash_helper.cuh). This is templated on the a template template parameter which is the underlying operator wrapped in a class, |
CEigenSolver | |
CTRLM | Thick Restarted Lanczos Method |
CBLKTRLM | Block Thick Restarted Lanczos Method |
CIRAM | Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method |
CRealType | |
CRealType< double > | |
CRealType< double2 > | |
CRealType< complex< double > > | |
CRealType< float > | |
CRealType< float2 > | |
CRealType< complex< float > > | |
CRealType< float4 > | |
CRealType< short > | |
CRealType< short2 > | |
CRealType< complex< short > > | |
CRealType< short4 > | |
CRealType< int8_t > | |
CRealType< char2 > | |
CRealType< complex< int8_t > > | |
CRealType< char4 > | |
Cvector_type | |
CGaugeFieldParam | |
CGaugeField | |
CcudaGaugeField | |
CcpuGaugeField | |
Cgauge_wrapper | Gauge_wrapper is an internal class that is used to wrap instances of gauge accessors, currying in a specific location on the field. The operator() accessors in gauge-field accessors return instances to this class, allowing us to then use operator overloading upon this class to interact with the Matrix class. As a result we can include gauge-field accessors directly in Matrix expressions in kernels without having to declare temporaries with explicit calls to the load/save methods in the gauge-field accessors |
Cgauge_ghost_wrapper | Gauge_ghost_wrapper is an internal class that is used to wrap instances of gauge ghost accessors, currying in a specific location and dimension on the field. The Ghost() accessors in gauge-field accessors return instances to this class, allowing us to then use operator overloading upon this class to interact with the Matrix class. As a result we can include gauge-field ghost accessors directly in Matrix expressions in kernels without having to declare temporaries with explicit calls to the load/save methods in the gauge-field accessors |
Cgauge_mapper | |
Cgauge_mapper< double, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_NO, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< double, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_13, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< double, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_12, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< double, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_10, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< double, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_9, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< double, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_8, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< float, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_NO, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< float, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_13, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< float, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_12, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< float, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_10, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< float, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_9, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< float, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_8, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< short, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_NO, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< short, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_13, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< short, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_12, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< short, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_10, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< short, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_9, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< short, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_8, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< int8_t, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_NO, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< int8_t, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_13, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< int8_t, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_12, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< int8_t, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_10, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< int8_t, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_9, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< int8_t, QUDA_RECONSTRUCT_8, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_NATIVE_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< T, recon, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_MILC_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_mapper< T, recon, N, stag, huge_alloc, ghostExchange, use_inphase, QUDA_QDP_GAUGE_ORDER > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_QDP_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_QDPJIT_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_MILC_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_CPS_WILSON_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_BQCD_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_TIFR_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_TIFR_PADDED_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
Cgauge_order_mapper< T, QUDA_FLOAT2_GAUGE_ORDER, Nc > | |
CReconstructFull | |
CReconstructWilson | |
CReconstructStaggered | |
CReconstructNo12 | |
CReconstructNone | |
CReconstructMom | |
CReconstruct10 | |
CinstantiateApply | This class instantiates the Apply class based on the instantiated templates below |
CinstantiateApply< false, Apply, Float, nColor, recon, G, Args... > | This class is a specialization which does not instantiate the Apply class if the is_enabled has evaluated to false |
CinstantiateReconstruct | Instantiate the reconstruction template at index i and recurse to prior element |
CinstantiateReconstruct< Apply, Float, nColor, Recon, 0, G, Args... > | Termination specialization of instantiateReconstruct |
CWilsonReconstruct | |
CStaggeredReconstruct | |
CSolverParam | |
CSolver | |
CCG | Conjugate-Gradient Solver |
CCG3 | |
CCG3NE | |
CCG3NR | |
CPreconCG | |
CBiCGstab | |
CSimpleBiCGstab | |
CMPBiCGstab | |
CBiCGstabL | |
CGCR | |
CMR | |
CCACG | Communication-avoiding CG solver. This solver does un-preconditioned CG, running in steps of n_krylov, build up a polynomial in the linear operator of length n_krylov, and then performs a steepest descent minimization on the resulting basis vectors. For now only implemented using the power basis so is only useful as a preconditioner |
CCAGCR | Communication-avoiding GCR solver. This solver does un-preconditioned GCR, first building up a polynomial in the linear operator of length n_krylov, and then performs a minimum residual extrapolation on the resulting basis vectors. For use as a multigrid smoother with minimum global synchronization |
CSD | |
CXSD | |
CPreconditionedSolver | |
CMultiShiftSolver | |
CMultiShiftCG | Multi-Shift Conjugate Gradient Solver |
CMinResExt | This computes the optimum guess for the system Ax=b in the L2 residual norm. For use in the HMD force calculations using a minimal residual chronological method. This computes the guess solution as a linear combination of a given number of previous solutions. Following Brower et al, only the orthogonalised vector basis is stored to conserve memory |
CIncEigCG | |
CGMResDR | |
Cdeflation_space | This is an object that captures the state required for a deflated solver |
CLatticeFieldParam | |
CLatticeField | |
Cmatrix_field | |
CMGParam | |
CMG | |
Cmultigrid_solver | |
CObject | |
Cchar8 | |
Cshort8 | |
Cfloat8 | |
Cdouble8 | |
CfixedMaxValue | |
CfixedMaxValue< short > | |
CfixedMaxValue< short2 > | |
CfixedMaxValue< short4 > | |
CfixedMaxValue< short8 > | |
CfixedMaxValue< int8_t > | |
CfixedMaxValue< char2 > | |
CfixedMaxValue< char4 > | |
CfixedMaxValue< char8 > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< short > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< short2 > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< short4 > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< short8 > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< int8_t > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< char2 > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< char4 > | |
CfixedInvMaxValue< char8 > | |
CZero | |
CIdentity | |
CHMatrix | Specialized container for Hermitian matrices (e.g., used for wrapping clover matrices) |
CMatrix | |
CHMatrix_wrapper | Wrapper class that enables us to write to Hmatrices in packed format |
CArray | |
CRNG | Class declaration to initialize and hold CURAND RNG states |
Cuniform | |
Cuniform< float > | |
Cuniform< double > | |
Cnormal | |
Cnormal< float > | |
Cnormal< double > | |
Catomic_type | The atomic word size we use for a given reduction type. This type should be lock-free to guarantee correct behaviour on platforms that are not coherent with respect to the host |
Catomic_type< float > | |
CReduceArg | |
CPromoteTypeId | |
CPromoteTypeId< complex< float >, float > | |
CPromoteTypeId< float, complex< float > > | |
CPromoteTypeId< complex< double >, double > | |
CPromoteTypeId< double, complex< double > > | |
CPromoteTypeId< double, int > | |
CPromoteTypeId< int, double > | |
CPromoteTypeId< float, int > | |
CPromoteTypeId< int, float > | |
CPromoteTypeId< double, float > | |
CPromoteTypeId< float, double > | |
CPromoteTypeId< double, short > | |
CPromoteTypeId< short, double > | |
CPromoteTypeId< double, int8_t > | |
CPromoteTypeId< int8_t, double > | |
CPromoteTypeId< float, short > | |
CPromoteTypeId< short, float > | |
CPromoteTypeId< float, int8_t > | |
CPromoteTypeId< int8_t, float > | |
CPromoteTypeId< short, int8_t > | |
CPromoteTypeId< int8_t, short > | |
Cmapper | |
Cmapper< double > | |
Cmapper< float > | |
Cmapper< short > | |
Cmapper< int8_t > | |
Cmapper< double2 > | |
Cmapper< float2 > | |
Cmapper< short2 > | |
Cmapper< char2 > | |
Cmapper< double4 > | |
Cmapper< float4 > | |
Cmapper< short4 > | |
Cmapper< char4 > | |
Cmapper< double8 > | |
Cmapper< float8 > | |
Cmapper< short8 > | |
Cmapper< char8 > | |
Cbridge_mapper | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, double2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, float2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, short2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, char2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, float4 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, short4 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, char4 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float4, double2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float4, float4 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float4, short4 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float4, char4 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float2, double2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float2, float2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float2, short2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float2, char2 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, short8 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< double2, char8 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float8, short8 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float8, char8 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float4, short8 > | |
Cbridge_mapper< float4, char8 > | |
Cvec_length | |
Cvec_length< double8 > | |
Cvec_length< double4 > | |
Cvec_length< double3 > | |
Cvec_length< double2 > | |
Cvec_length< double > | |
Cvec_length< float8 > | |
Cvec_length< float4 > | |
Cvec_length< float3 > | |
Cvec_length< float2 > | |
Cvec_length< float > | |
Cvec_length< short8 > | |
Cvec_length< short4 > | |
Cvec_length< short3 > | |
Cvec_length< short2 > | |
Cvec_length< short > | |
Cvec_length< char8 > | |
Cvec_length< char4 > | |
Cvec_length< char3 > | |
Cvec_length< char2 > | |
Cvec_length< int8_t > | |
Cvec_length< Complex > | |
Cvec_length< complex< double > > | |
Cvec_length< complex< float > > | |
Cvec_length< complex< short > > | |
Cvec_length< complex< int8_t > > | |
Cvector | |
Cvector< double, 2 > | |
Cvector< float, 2 > | |
Cvector< int, 2 > | |
Cscalar | |
Cscalar< double8 > | |
Cscalar< double4 > | |
Cscalar< double3 > | |
Cscalar< double2 > | |
Cscalar< double > | |
Cscalar< float8 > | |
Cscalar< float4 > | |
Cscalar< float3 > | |
Cscalar< float2 > | |
Cscalar< float > | |
Cscalar< short8 > | |
Cscalar< short4 > | |
Cscalar< short3 > | |
Cscalar< short2 > | |
Cscalar< short > | |
Cscalar< char8 > | |
Cscalar< char4 > | |
Cscalar< char3 > | |
Cscalar< char2 > | |
Cscalar< int8_t > | |
Cscalar< complex< double > > | |
Cscalar< complex< float > > | |
CisHalf | |
CisHalf< short > | |
CisHalf< short2 > | |
CisHalf< short4 > | |
CisHalf< short8 > | |
CisQuarter | |
CisQuarter< int8_t > | |
CisQuarter< char2 > | |
CisQuarter< char4 > | |
CisQuarter< char8 > | |
CisFixed | |
CisFixed< short > | |
CisFixed< short2 > | |
CisFixed< short4 > | |
CisFixed< short8 > | |
CisFixed< int8_t > | |
CisFixed< char2 > | |
CisFixed< char4 > | |
CisFixed< char8 > | |
CTrig | |
CTrig< false, float > | |
CTrig< true, float > | |
CVectorType | |
CVectorType< double, 1 > | |
CVectorType< double, 2 > | |
CVectorType< double, 3 > | |
CVectorType< double, 4 > | |
CVectorType< double, 8 > | |
CVectorType< float, 1 > | |
CVectorType< float, 2 > | |
CVectorType< float, 3 > | |
CVectorType< float, 4 > | |
CVectorType< float, 8 > | |
CVectorType< short, 1 > | |
CVectorType< short, 2 > | |
CVectorType< short, 3 > | |
CVectorType< short, 4 > | |
CVectorType< short, 8 > | |
CVectorType< int8_t, 1 > | |
CVectorType< int8_t, 2 > | |
CVectorType< int8_t, 3 > | |
CVectorType< int8_t, 4 > | |
CVectorType< int8_t, 8 > | |
CAllocType | |
CAllocType< true > | |
CAllocType< false > | |
CTimer | |
CTimeProfile | |
CTransfer | |
Cplus | |
Cmaximum | |
Cminimum | |
Cidentity | |
CTransformReduceArg | |
CTransformReduce | |
CTuneKey | |
CTuneParam | |
CTunable | |
CTunableLocalParityReduction | |
CTunableVectorY | |
CTunableVectorYZ | |
CVectorIO | VectorIO is a simple wrapper class for loading and saving sets of vector fields using QIO |
CWorker | |
CBiCGstabLUpdate | |
CEigCGArgs | |
CSortedEvals | |
CGMResDRArgs | |
CShiftUpdate | |
CMemAlloc | |
CQudaMem | |
CInt2 | |
CTraceKey | |
Cless_significant | |
►Ntesting | |
►Ninternal | |
Nedit_distance | |
Nposix | |
CFormatForComparison | |
CFormatForComparison< ToPrint[N], OtherOperand > | |
CUniversalPrinter | |
CWrapPrinterType | |
CUniversalPrinter< T[N]> | |
CUniversalPrinter< T & > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< T & > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< T[N]> | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< const char * > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< char * > | |
CUniversalTersePrinter< wchar_t * > | |
Cfaketype | |
CEqHelper | |
CAssertHelper | |
CIgnoredValue | |
CFloatingPoint | |
CTypeIdHelper | |
CTestFactoryBase | |
CTestFactoryImpl | |
CCodeLocation | |
CSuiteApiResolver | |
CConstCharPtr | |
CRandom | |
CCompileAssertTypesEqual | |
CCompileAssertTypesEqual< T, T > | |
CRemoveReference | |
CRemoveReference< T & > | |
CRemoveConst | |
CRemoveConst< const T > | |
CRemoveConst< const T[N]> | |
CIsAProtocolMessage | |
CIsHashTable | |
CIsRecursiveContainerImpl | |
CIsRecursiveContainerImpl< C, false > | |
CIsRecursiveContainerImpl< C, true > | |
CIsRecursiveContainer | |
CEnableIf | |
CEnableIf< true > | |
CRelationToSourceReference | |
CRelationToSourceCopy | |
CNativeArray | |
CIndexSequence | |
CDoubleSequence | |
CDoubleSequence< true, IndexSequence< I... >, sizeofT > | |
CDoubleSequence< false, IndexSequence< I... >, sizeofT > | |
CMakeIndexSequence | |
CMakeIndexSequence< 0 > | |
CElemFromListImpl | |
CElemFromListImpl< T, I, I > | |
CElemFromList | |
CElemFromList< N, IndexSequence< I... >, T... > | |
CFlatTuple | |
CFlatTupleElemBase | |
CFlatTupleElemBase< FlatTuple< T... >, I > | |
CFlatTupleBase | |
CFlatTupleBase< FlatTuple< T... >, IndexSequence< Idx... > > | |
CParamGeneratorInterface | |
CParamGenerator | |
CParamIteratorInterface | |
CParamIterator | |
CRangeGenerator | |
CValuesInIteratorRangeGenerator | |
CParameterizedTestFactory | |
CTestMetaFactoryBase | |
CTestMetaFactory | |
CParameterizedTestSuiteInfoBase | |
CParameterizedTestSuiteInfo | |
CParameterizedTestSuiteRegistry | |
CValueArray | |
CCartesianProductGenerator | |
CCartesianProductHolder | |
CStaticAssertTypeEqHelper | |
CStaticAssertTypeEqHelper< T, T > | |
CIsSame | |
CIsSame< T, T > | |
CRE | |
CGTestLog | |
CAddReference | |
CAddReference< T & > | |
CConstRef | |
CConstRef< T & > | |
CMutex | |
CGTestMutexLock | |
CThreadLocal | |
Cbool_constant | |
Cis_same | |
Cis_same< T, T > | |
CIteratorTraits | |
CIteratorTraits< T * > | |
CIteratorTraits< const T * > | |
CTypeWithSize | |
CTypeWithSize< 4 > | |
CTypeWithSize< 8 > | |
CString | |
►Ninternal2 | |
CTypeWithoutFormatter | |
CTypeWithoutFormatter< T, kProtobuf > | |
CTypeWithoutFormatter< T, kConvertibleToInteger > | |
CMessage | |
CTest | |
CTestProperty | |
CTestResult | |
CTestInfo | |
CTestSuite | |
CEnvironment | |
CTestEventListener | |
CEmptyTestEventListener | |
CTestEventListeners | |
CUnitTest | |
CWithParamInterface | |
CTestWithParam | |
CScopedTrace | |
CTestParamInfo | |
CPrintToStringParamName | |
Ntesting_internal | |
►Ntrove | |
►Ndetail | |
Csize_in_range | |
Cuse_shfl | |
Cuse_shfl< T, true, true > | |
Cuse_direct | |
Caddress_constants | |
Cindexed_load | |
Cindexed_load< 1, T > | |
Cindexed_store | |
Cindexed_store< 1, T > | |
Cget_impl | |
Cget_impl< T, m, 0 > | |
Cmake_array_impl | |
Cmake_array_impl< T, 1 > | |
Cmake_carray_impl | |
Cmake_carray_impl< T, 1 > | |
Cdismember_type | |
Cdismember_type< T, true, false, false > | |
Cdismember_type< T, true, true, false > | |
Cdismember_type< T, true, true, true > | |
Caliased_size | |
Cdismember | |
Cdismember< T, U, 1 > | |
Cremember | |
Cremember< T, U, 1 > | |
Cdivergent_loader | |
Cdivergent_loader< 1, T > | |
Cuse_divergent | |
Cdivergent_storer | |
Cdivergent_storer< 1, T > | |
Cwarp_store_array | |
Cwarp_store_array< array< T, s > > | |
Cwarp_store_array< array< T, 1 > > | |
Cuncoalesced_store_array | |
Cuncoalesced_store_array< array< T, s > > | |
Cuncoalesced_store_array< array< T, 1 > > | |
Cwarp_load_array | |
Cwarp_load_array< array< T, s > > | |
Cwarp_load_array< array< T, 1 > > | |
Ccoalesced_ref | |
Crotate_elements | |
Crotate_elements_helper | |
Crotate_elements_helper< Array, i, j, false > | |
Crotate_impl | |
Crotate_impl_helper | |
Crotate_impl_helper< Array, i, false > | |
Cstatic_gcd_helper | |
Cstatic_gcd_helper< false, true, u, v > | |
Cstatic_gcd_helper< true, false, u, v > | |
Cstatic_gcd_helper< true, true, u, v > | |
Codd | |
Cpower_of_two | |
Ccomposite | |
Ctx_algorithm | |
Ctx_algorithm< m, true, false > | |
Ctx_algorithm< m, false, true > | |
Cc2r_offset_constants | |
Cc2r_offset_constants< m, odd > | |
Cc2r_offset_constants< m, power_of_two > | |
Cc2r_offset_constants< m, composite > | |
Cr2c_offset_constants | |
Cr2c_offset_constants< m, odd > | |
Cr2c_offset_constants< m, power_of_two > | |
Ctx_permute_impl | |
Ctx_permute_impl< array< T, s >, Permute, position > | |
Ctx_permute_impl< array< T, 1 >, Permute, position > | |
►Caffine_modular_fn | |
Ceval | |
►Ccomposite_c2r_permute_fn | |
Ceval | |
►Ccomposite_r2c_permute_fn | |
Ceval | |
Cc2r_compute_offsets_impl | |
Cc2r_compute_offsets_impl< array< int, s >, b, o > | |
Cc2r_compute_offsets_impl< array< int, 1 >, b, o > | |
Cc2r_compute_initial_offset | |
Cc2r_compute_initial_offset< m, odd > | |
Cc2r_compute_initial_offset< m, power_of_two > | |
Cr2c_compute_initial_offset | |
Cr2c_compute_initial_offset< m, odd > | |
Cc2r_compute_composite_offsets | |
Cc2r_compute_composite_offsets< array< int, s >, m, p > | |
Cc2r_compute_composite_offsets< array< int, 1 >, m, p > | |
Cr2c_offsets | |
Cr2c_compute_offsets_impl | |
Cr2c_compute_offsets_impl< array< int, s >, index, m, odd > | |
Cr2c_compute_offsets_impl< array< int, 1 >, index, m, odd > | |
Cr2c_compute_offsets_impl< array< int, s >, index, m, power_of_two > | |
Cr2c_compute_offsets_impl< array< int, 1 >, index, m, power_of_two > | |
Cr2c_compute_composite_offsets | |
Cr2c_compute_composite_offsets< array< int, s >, m > | |
Cr2c_compute_composite_offsets< array< int, 1 >, m > | |
Cwarp_shuffle | |
Cwarp_shuffle< array< T, m >, array< int, m > > | |
Cwarp_shuffle< array< T, 1 >, array< int, 1 > > | |
Cc2r_compute_indices_impl | |
Cc2r_compute_indices_impl< Array, odd > | |
Cc2r_compute_indices_impl< Array, power_of_two > | |
Cc2r_compute_indices_impl< Array, composite > | |
Cc2r_warp_transpose_impl | |
Cc2r_warp_transpose_impl< Array, Indices, odd > | |
Cc2r_warp_transpose_impl< Array, Indices, power_of_two > | |
Cc2r_warp_transpose_impl< Array, Indices, composite > | |
Cr2c_compute_indices_impl | |
Cr2c_compute_indices_impl< Array, odd > | |
Cr2c_compute_indices_impl< Array, power_of_two > | |
Cr2c_compute_indices_impl< Array, composite > | |
Cr2c_warp_transpose_impl | |
Cr2c_warp_transpose_impl< Array, Indices, odd > | |
Cr2c_warp_transpose_impl< Array, Indices, power_of_two > | |
Cr2c_warp_transpose_impl< Array, Indices, composite > | |
Carray | |
Carray< T, 1 > | |
Carray< T, 0 > | |
Ccoalesced_ptr | |
Cstatic_gcd | |
Cstatic_gcd< 0, v > | |
Cstatic_gcd< u, 0 > | |
Cstatic_mod_inverse | |
Cstatic_mod_inverse_helper | |
Cstatic_mod_inverse_helper< false, a, m, r > | |
Ccounting_array | |
Ccounting_array< array< T, s > > | |
Ccounting_array< array< T, 1 > > | |
Csum_array | |
Csum_array< array< T, s > > | |
Csum_array< array< T, 1 > > | |
Cstatic_log | |
Cstatic_log< 1 > | |
Cstatic_log< 0 > | |
Cis_power_of_two | |
Cis_odd | |
Cvalue_if | |
Cvalue_if< false, T, Then, Else > | |
Cvalue_identity | |
Cinverse | |
Cnull_type | |
Ccons_c | |
Cstatic_range | |
Cstatic_range< f, f > | |
Cenable_if | |
Cenable_if< false, T > | |
Csize_multiple_power_of_two | |