QUDA  v1.1.0
A library for QCD on GPUs
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <iostream>
5 #include <quda_internal.h>
6 #include <tune_quda.h>
7 #include <random_quda.h>
8 #include <comm_quda.h>
9 #include <index_helper.cuh>
11 #define BLOCKSDIVUP(a, b) (((a)+(b)-1)/(b))
13 namespace quda {
15  dim3 GetGridDim(size_t threads, size_t size) {
16  int blockx = BLOCKSDIVUP(size, threads);
17  dim3 blocks(blockx,1,1);
18  return blocks;
19  }
21  struct rngArg {
22  size_t commDim[QUDA_MAX_DIM];
23  int commCoord[QUDA_MAX_DIM];
24  int X[QUDA_MAX_DIM];
25  rngArg(const int X_[]) {
26  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
27  commDim[i] = comm_dim(i);
28  commCoord[i] = comm_coord(i);
29  X[i] = X_[i];
30  }
31  }
32  };
34  /**
35  @brief CUDA kernel to initialize CURAND RNG states
36  @param state CURAND RNG state array
37  @param seed initial seed for RNG
38  @param size size of the CURAND RNG state array
39  @param arg Metadata needed for computing multi-gpu offsets
40  */
41  __global__ void kernel_random(cuRNGState *state, unsigned long long seed, int size_cb, rngArg arg)
42  {
43  int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
44  int parity = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
45  if (id < size_cb) {
46  // Each thread gets same seed, a different sequence number, no offset
47  int x[4];
48  getCoords(x, id, arg.X, parity);
49  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) x[i] += arg.commCoord[i] * arg.X[i];
50  size_t idd
51  = (((x[3] * arg.commDim[2] * arg.X[2] + x[2]) * arg.commDim[1] * arg.X[1]) + x[1]) * arg.commDim[0] * arg.X[0]
52  + x[0];
53  curand_init(seed, idd, 0, &state[parity * size_cb + id]);
54  }
55  }
57  /**
58  @brief Call CUDA kernel to initialize CURAND RNG states
59  @param state CURAND RNG state array
60  @param seed initial seed for RNG
61  @param size_cb Checkerboarded size of the CURAND RNG state array
62  @param n_parity Number of parities (1 or 2)
63  @param X array of lattice dimensions
64  */
65  void launch_kernel_random(cuRNGState *state, unsigned long long seed, int size_cb, int n_parity, int X[4])
66  {
67  TuneParam tp;
68  tp.block = dim3(128, 1, 1);
69  tp.grid = GetGridDim(tp.block.x, size_cb);
70  rngArg arg(X);
71  tp.block.y = n_parity;
72  qudaLaunchKernel(kernel_random, tp, 0, state, seed, size_cb, arg);
73  qudaDeviceSynchronize();
74  }
76  RNG::RNG(const LatticeField &meta, unsigned long long seedin) :
77  seed(seedin),
78  size(meta.Volume()),
79  size_cb(meta.VolumeCB())
80  {
81  state = nullptr;
82  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) X[i] = meta.X()[i];
83 #if defined(XORWOW)
84  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) printfQuda("Using curandStateXORWOW\n");
85 #elif defined(RG32k3a)
86  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) printfQuda("Using curandStateMRG32k3a\n");
87 #else
88  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) printfQuda("Using curandStateMRG32k3a\n");
89 #endif
90  }
92  RNG::RNG(const LatticeFieldParam &param, unsigned long long seedin) : seed(seedin), size(1), size_cb(1)
93  {
94  state = nullptr;
95  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
96  X[i] = param.x[i];
97  size *= X[i];
98  }
99  size_cb = size / param.siteSubset;
101 #if defined(XORWOW)
102  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) printfQuda("Using curandStateXORWOW\n");
103 #elif defined(RG32k3a)
104  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) printfQuda("Using curandStateMRG32k3a\n");
105 #else
106  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) printfQuda("Using curandStateMRG32k3a\n");
107 #endif
108  }
110  /**
111  @brief Initialize CURAND RNG states
112  */
113  void RNG::Init() {
114  AllocateRNG();
115  launch_kernel_random(state, seed, size_cb, size / size_cb, X);
116  }
118  /**
119  @brief Allocate Device memory for CURAND RNG states
120  */
121  void RNG::AllocateRNG() {
122  if (size > 0 && state == nullptr) {
123  state = (cuRNGState *)device_malloc(size * sizeof(cuRNGState));
124  qudaMemset(state, 0, size * sizeof(cuRNGState));
125  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_DEBUG_VERBOSE)
126  printfQuda("Allocated array of random numbers with size: %.2f MB\n",
127  size * sizeof(cuRNGState) / (float)(1048576));
128  } else {
129  errorQuda("Array of random numbers not allocated, array size: %d !\nExiting...\n", size);
130  }
131  }
133  /**
134  @brief Release Device memory for CURAND RNG states
135  */
136  void RNG::Release() {
137  if (size > 0 && state != nullptr) {
138  device_free(state);
139  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_DEBUG_VERBOSE)
140  printfQuda("Free array of random numbers with size: %.2f MB\n", size * sizeof(cuRNGState) / (float)(1048576));
141  size = 0;
142  state = NULL;
143  }
144  }
146  /*! @brief Backup CURAND array states initialization */
147  void RNG::backup()
148  {
149  backup_state = (cuRNGState *)safe_malloc(size * sizeof(cuRNGState));
150  qudaMemcpy(backup_state, state, size * sizeof(cuRNGState), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
151  }
153  /*! @brief Restore CURAND array states initialization */
154  void RNG::restore()
155  {
156  qudaMemcpy(state, backup_state, size * sizeof(cuRNGState), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
157  host_free(backup_state);
158  }
160 } // namespace quda